Curabitur congue dolor sed massa feugiat, sit amet tempor orci convallis. Donec lacus magna, semper eget nisl sed, posuere pellentesque tellus. Cras mauris tellus, ultricies quis hendrerit imperdiet, faucibus non nulla. Cras ex dolor, aliquet eget enim nec, luctus congue nisi. Fusce facilisis in erat vitae cursus.
My favorite part of growing a gardening and cooking with fresh herbs, it’s not always the case. Learning to preserve fresh herbs has been heaven sent and can save alot of your harvest from wasting as well. Instead of watching them waste away, here is how to save your favorite herbs for later.
You may hang bundles of herbs in a well ventilated area, away from direct sunlight for a few weeks to dry out completely. Using a dehydrator on the lowest setting for about a day will do the same trick. Some place herbs evenly in oven to dry for a good crisp.
Add chopped herbs to ice cubes trays and fill with melted butter or olive oil just enough to cover all herbs. Each tray cube should be filled 2/3 with herbs. Allow to freeze completely and added to labeled freezer bags. Drop a few cubes in stews and soups for a savory addition of flavor.
This method requires some detail, but it’s really worth it. Basically, add dry or fresh herbs to a container. These herbs should be “bruised” by lightly using a rolling pin or squeezing to release its aroma and flavor. Next, pour warm oil on top of your herbs of choice and seal tightly with a lid. Allow to sit for 2+ weeks and strain all herbs afterwards or you can leave them in. If you keep the herbs in, the flavor with intensify with time. It’s also best to use a less flavorful oil such as safflower oil, but tasty olive oil works just as well. This oil will remain fresh for about 2 months if keep refrigerated.
This is super delicious on bread, seafood, and poultry! In a bowl, mix unsalted softened butter, finely chopped herbs, sea salt, and pepper to taste. Mix well until the herbs are distributed well. Place on wax paper and shape to a cylinder roll and tie ended down. Refrigerate for about two weeks or freeze for a few months. Enjoy on grilled corn and tons of savory dishes!
Create a taste and healthier salt by added herbs and sea salt into a food processor and pulse until the herbs have a fine consistency. You have the option to allow to air dry in a baking pan for up to 2 hours and transfer to a seal jar. The best part is there is no self life!
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