Meet Stephanie Leah The Plant Mama Who Takes Sustainability To The Next Transformational Level

I would be lying if I said I met someone like Stephanie Leah before. This plant mom uses her profound education, experience, and spirit to guide and consult others on how to connect with nature and be better stewards of the Earth. I first stumbled across this nurturing spirit by someone in the BGWG tribe tagging our IG account under her photo. I immediately saw that her spirit was one like no other! It was definitely a MUST to capture more of what drives Stephanie Leah to not only take such good care of her urban garden, but this Earth as well.

What inspired you to start your garden?

My father was a landscaper so I’ve always been outside in nature watching things grow.

What does being a plant mama do for you? Is it a form of self care? Coping method?

As a zerowaster and sustainability consultant I have come to know that being in the garden is healing. I literally forget about my issues and genuinely feel connected to Spirit. I also save lots of money on groceries growing many vegetables and herbs.


What do you love the most about gardening?

It’s so human and so spiritual at the same time. It feels so good in my being. And I love to watch my babies thrive. It’s just in my nature.

What do you dislike the most about gardening?

Sometimes it costs a lot when the seasons change. Pests and small animals that eat my harvest.

What do you struggle the most with in your garden or gardening in general?

Pests because I’m an organic gardener. Sometimes when there is too much harvest and food sometimes gets wasted or uneaten. But I’ll compost that stuff.


Tell us something unique and different about you and your garden.

My garden is a small urban farm. We grow California Native plants as well. We have lots of wildlife and two tortoises that live there.


It’s obvious that Stephanie Leah is grower of all things and have been for some while now. Her garden and spirit is so lush!


You may find this divine being on Instagram @TheRootPause & the web at www.StephanieLeah.Love.


Jasmine is your everyday multidimensional plant lover and new mama who loves black women and plants so much, she created Black Girls With Gardens! There are 3 things you'll find Jasmine doing separately or simultaneously: 1. Planning for BGWG 2. Plant Shopping 3. Doing both with her baby girl! Go figure!

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