11 Easy To Care For House Plants For Beginners

It is easy to catch the gardening bug (pun intended) and desire to create your own indoor jungle space. We’ve all been there before. Especially dealing with the frustration of wanting to become a plant mama and care for plants, but have no clue where to start. Don’t fret, we compiled a super easy to care for list of house plants for beginners!


WHY IT’S AMAZING: Pothos have air purifying qualities that has been scientifically proven to absorb toxins like formaldehyde that derived from typical items in the home like carpet. It grows long vines rapidly that are perfect for hanging baskets or training on a trellis. Here is a more detailed guide on caring for this rewarding plant.

HOW TO CARE: Pothos are not demanding and do well in most temperatures and lighting conditions. Allow the soil to dry between watering and keep in mind lower lighting may cause low variation in the leaves.

WHERE TO BUY:  Pothos in 4″ Pot, $1.99 – Amazon

Aloe Vera

WHY IT’S AMAZING: This juicy succulent loves sunlight, requires little watering, and has multiple medicinal properties in its spiked leaves used  by tons of beauty products.

HOW TO CARE: monthly waterings nd tons of indirect sunlight are best.

WHERE TO BUY: Aloe Vera in 4″ pot, FREE SHIPPING – Amazon

Spider Plant

WHY IT’S AMAZING: This visually unique plant will do more for you than you will do for it! Spider plants add texture to any corner, cleans the air, and make beautiful hanging plants. The pups that grow on the bottom are an added bonus. Who doesn’t love free plants.

HOW TO CARE: For a thriving spider plant, keep soil moist and medium lighting it just fine.

WHERE TO BUY: Live spider plant in 3.5″ pot, $2.99 – Amazon

Sansevieria aka Snake Plant

WHY IT’S AMAZING: This plant aka mother’s tongue is easy as it comes, it gorgeous and require the absolute least from the newest plant mom.

HOW TO CARE: Although it thrives in indirect light, it tolerates low light very well and only needs watering every 3-4 weeks.

WHERE TO BUY: Live snake plant in 4″ pot, $5.99 – Amazon

Philodendron Brasil

WHY IT’S AMAZING: This variegated, vining beauty requires little to nothing in exchange for chic style.

HOW TO CARE: Keep the soil dry between waterings and low to medium lighting is perfect.

WHERE TO BUY: Philodendron Brasil 6″ Hanging Pot, $22.99 -  Amazon

ZZ Plant

WHY IT’S AMAZING: Perfect for tropical vibes in your home. This indestructible beauty adds character to any home.

HOW TO CARE: For its best, indirect lighting and alternating watering monthly.

WHERE TO BUY: ZZ Plant in 12 in, $22  – Amazon

Maranta Plant

WHY IT’S AMAZING: Maranta plants aka prayer plants are beloved not only because of their beautiful stripes, but their day and night movement, hence why they are called prayer plants.

HOW TO CARE: Place in a well lit but indirect lighting position and water weekly. To really spoil this plant, add humidity. Here are a few ways you can do that.

WHERE TO BUY: Green Maranta Plant, $24 Amazon 

Monstera Deliciosa

WHY IT’S AMAZING: One of the classic houseplants is the tropical Monstera. Also known as the Swiss cheese plant, this beauty is an easy to grow, large leaved plant with characteristic splits in the leaves as known as fenestrations.

HOW TO CARE: Monstera plants enjoy watering once a week and indirect lighting. It’s a tropical plant so try to mimic their tropical environment of growing along tall shadow-y trees.

WHERE TO BUY: Monstera 6″ Pot – $30.00, Amazon


WHY IT’S AMAZING: Cacti are amazing because they are super easy to grow and maintain, can almost live anywhere, and instantly add a “zen” vibe to any space.

HOW TO CARE: Although cacti can survive in bright light with little to no waterings, the prefer like bright to medium light and weekly waterings.

WHERE TO BUY: Instant Cactus/Succulent Collection – 8 Plants 2″ pots, $14.15, Amazon

Air Plants

WHY IT’S AMAZING: Air plants eliminate dealing with soil all together. These aesthetically pleasing plants require little to no effort and are super affordable.

HOW TO CARE: Air plants require a water bath once a week. A water bath can be as simple as leaving them to soak in warm water up to 30 minutes. You should give them a good shake to get rid of access water and they are ready to go. They do prefer bright, indirect light.

WHERE TO BUY: Mini Tillandsia Assortment 3 Pack Air Plants by CTS Air Plants, $6.95, Amazon

Scindapsus Pictus

WHY IT’S AMAZING: Often mistaken as a pothos hence it’s name satin pothos, the scindapsus pictus is a simple yet rewarding plant to own for how fast it grows and beauty. It’s low needs makes it an absolute gorgeous option for newbie plant owners.

HOW TO CARE: This plant benefit from moderate light and watering when the leaves curl.

WHERE TO BUY: Scindapsus Pictus, $22, Amazon

Jasmine is your everyday multidimensional plant lover and new mama who loves black women and plants so much, she created Black Girls With Gardens! There are 3 things you'll find Jasmine doing separately or simultaneously: 1. Planning for BGWG 2. Plant Shopping 3. Doing both with her baby girl! Go figure!


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