Black Girls With Gardens is a media resource for women of color to find inspiration, education, representation, and support in all levels of gardening. As a one of the first companies of it’s kind and earned status as a trusted source for reliable and honest content, we serve an unique, diverse, and growing community of over 200K+ followers across the internet and North America composed mainly of women ranging from ages of 23-35. This platform has an average impression of 560K individuals weekly and reach an average of 200K new and unique individuals weekly.
We are always accepting new opportunities to connect with other companies with like minded intentions and values as ours. If you are interested in working with us, feel free to contact us below and we will send our media kit asap. Please allow 24-48 business hours for a response. Thank you!
BLACK GIRLS WITH GARDENS is now available for virtual speaking opportunities and partnerships.
Happy Planting,
Jasmine Jefferson
Black Girls With Gardens, Founder