Julia has many talents and been apart of the BGWG for over a year now (that’s our entire existence!). It was imperative we share her story, talents, and love of gardening with you guys!
I grew up on a farm in the 1970’s in Barbados, managed by my late Grandfather, an agriculturalist and musician. He was an exceptional plant scientist, he and his team often experimented with grafting and plant propagation. His flower gardens were admired by all. When the filming of the movie ‘Island in the Sun’ was being shot at the historic ‘Farley Hill House’, the producers, who passed Jerusalem farm daily, inquired about using Grandfather’s enormous croton hedges as set props. He declined the offer as it meant that he would have had to uproot them. He, along with my grandmothers, my uncles, my two late Aunts, my late Mum (all avid gardeners), influenced and inspired me tremendously. While living in Ohio, I decided to start a relatively small kitchen garden. It provided a substantial supply of organically grown produce and herbs for my many recipes. I joined the National Home Gardener’s Club in 2001 and have been obsessed ever since.
Growing a garden has been both a form of self care and therapy for me. For me it it an absolute need. It is second nature to me. It nurtures, it heals, it feeds, it grows, it speaks, literally and figuratively. Planting seeds and being a witness to their growth teaches lessons far beyond science. It has taught me patience and is an integral part of my daily physical and spiritual exercise routines.
Gardening awaken all of your senses. I love touching the soil with my bare hands. I enjoy feeling the leaves on different species of plants. The textures are all so different. I love the different subtle fragrance of flowers and the calming scent of herbs. I liken them to children, they grow at different rates, each plant producing something uniquely their own. What works for one species will not work for another. I also love the peace and quietude it brings. It gives me plenty of time to reflect, to meditate. I could watch bumblebees landing from flower to flower for hours, I find it soothing. The bonus of flowers and fruits are of course the ultimate rewards.
What I dislike the most are the never ending pests, yet I know that they too are part of life’s cycle. I never use chemical pesticides. I have adopted several natural alternatives instead. I read recently that they are more micro organisms living in a pile of composted soil, than they are human beings on earth. I find that scientific fact absolutely fascinating!
I mostly struggle with how much to plant. Like anything else, gardening entails a great deal of ‘editing’. My heart wants me to plant every seed I’ve mustered. My head tells me it’s impossible. Living in an HOA controlled sub-division has not helped matters, I find it restrictive. The wonderful thing is that even with one or two butternut squash seeds, your harvest will be plentiful.
I am a published interior designer, artist and photographer by trade. Additionally I studied food and nutrition for five years. The same passion, patience and principles I apply to my painting, interior design, photography and culinary experiments, I gift to my gardens. All are degrees of creativity; all of which I derive a great deal of satisfaction. In cultivating a garden, the dedication comes from a very special place. I consider scale, colour, texture, space- planning…I think warm thoughts of my ancestors, I thank them for gifting me this amazing gardening gene, I give thanks to my creator and then I get to work. At the end of the day for me, it’s all art!
Find this amazing being all over the internet at @julbeartgardens @julbeartinteriors, Facebook & Pinterest: JulBeArtInteriors #JulBeArt, #JulBeArtGardens, #JulBeArtInteriors
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