How To Get Rid of Mealybugs

Mealybugs are fuzzy white creatures that can turn your gorgeous garden into mayhem really quick! These creatures like to reside around the leaf nodes and stem of your plants (or on your veggies) and cause yellow and droopy leaves. Here are a few methods that work wonders for most in getting rid of these pests.

Search & Destroy

This method requires that you find each pest and pest’s eggs and remove by blasting with powerful stream of water or cutting off.


Insecticide Soap

This method requires treating your plants on a schedule as you see fit. Many recommend starting every two days and adjusting as need. Depending on weather, the plant itself can become damaged if treated prior to direct heat. Spray a DIY insecticide soap or commercial (organic) soap to affected leaves above and below. Continue until mealybugs are no longer an issue.


Neem Oil

This method a most preferred simply because it is the most effective. Neem oil is effective on mealybugs because its disrupts all life stages. It basically suffocates eggs and active adult mealybugs, while nourishing the plant.



I’ve tried all methods (unfortunately I fight mealybugs a lot) and the most effective are pairing all three! Blasting away eggs and bugs with water then applying a soap or neem oil afterwards helps nourish your plants and prevent additional infestations.

Jasmine is your everyday multidimensional plant lover and new mama who loves black women and plants so much, she created Black Girls With Gardens! There are 3 things you'll find Jasmine doing separately or simultaneously: 1. Planning for BGWG 2. Plant Shopping 3. Doing both with her baby girl! Go figure!

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